San Diego, CA
S-3 Research
Digital Tool co-creation to Encourage Equitable Lupus Research Participation
$45K Finalists

Ensuring more inclusive participation in clinical trials is critical to achieving national health equity goals. These challenges are accentuated for Lupus, a disease that disproportionately impacts racial and ethnic minorities. To address this challenge, this project will co-create, prototype, and conduct initial user pilot testing of a digital tool with Lupus patients, caregivers, and advocates. The objective is to build a tool to help educate, match, and connect young adult minorities to Lupus trials.

Website Link

Solution Location

Chapel Hill, NC

Let’s build community trust and improve people’s health and well-being.

The NIH Build UP Trust Challenge will award as many as ten Finalists up to $45,000 each and the opportunity to win one of four $200,000 prizes for promising strategies that increase research participation and the adoption of medical care by building trust and improving engagement with historically underserved communities.
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