Pittsburgh, PA
UrbanKind Institute
Building Trustworthiness with Community Members through a Data Literacy Program
$45K Finalists

Building trustworthiness of research and healthcare must begin with centering the expertise and wisdom of community members. This Data Literacy project emerges from our firm commitment to conducting research WITH community members at every step of the scientific discovery process. Data literacy is a key strategy to ensure that community members (as citizen scientists) have the tools and skills to access, interpret, question, and use data to promote meaningful transformation within their neighborhoods and communities.

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Solution Location

Pittsburgh, PA
Duquesne, PA

Let’s build community trust and improve people’s health and well-being.

The NIH Build UP Trust Challenge will award as many as ten Finalists up to $45,000 each and the opportunity to win one of four $200,000 prizes for promising strategies that increase research participation and the adoption of medical care by building trust and improving engagement with historically underserved communities.
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